Category Archives: Mediation

How Does the Divorce Mediation Process Work in Rockland County, NY?
Divorce mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution that is more amicable, less expensive, and a faster alternative to traditional divorce litigation. During mediation, you and your spouse hire a mediator to help review your divorce case and guide you through the process of negotiating a settlement. The divorce mediator helps you understand… Read More »

Benefits of Mediation for High-Asset Divorces
Regardless of whether you want to, New York State requires divorcing couples to at least attempt to resolve their matters in mediation prior to taking their case to trial. During trial, a judge will decide all matters or those that could not be resolved in mediation. But making a good-faith effort to resolve your… Read More »

The Role of a Divorce Mediator in a New York State Divorce
Divorce can be a contentious process. On television, we often see divorce dramatized in terms of litigation. This makes sense because drama thrives on conflict. However, you don’t want to add conflict to your own life. In truth, the vast majority of divorces are mediated. The ones you see dramatized on television are litigated…. Read More »

Should I Retain My Own Lawyer If My Divorce is Mediated?
The answer to this question depends entirely on the complexity of your divorce, the sorts of issues that need to be hammered out in mediation, and whether or not you are comfortable in a scenario where you will not be getting any legal advice. It’s important to understand that a divorce mediator cannot offer… Read More »