Category Archives: Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence and Your New York Divorce Case
Statistically, a third of all women and a quarter of all men will suffer some form of domestic violence in their lifetime. This includes spousal abuse such as stalking, rape, and physical violence. Emotional abuse, including degrading remarks, verbal threats, or controlling behavior is even more common. If you are considering filing for divorce… Read More »

How Family Courts Fail Domestic Violence Victims in Child Custody
Custody and visitation when one parent has an established history of domestic violence New York, like a number of other states, simply weighs whether there has been a history of domestic violence in the family when weighing a number of factors in deciding what is in the best interest of the child when it… Read More »

Domestic Violence Issues Increase Post-Roe Decision
Domestic violence is often misrepresented as a private family issue, however, it can more accurately be described as a public health crisis impacting millions of people each year. While abusers tend to hide their behavior from everyone except the victim, victims may feel compelled to hide the reality of domestic violence due to fear… Read More »