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Monthly Archives: January 2024


How Do the New York Courts Determine the Best Interests of the Children in a Child Custody Case?

By Robert S. Sunshine, P.C. |

All states employ some standard to determine child custody in disputed cases. New York is no different. In New York, the courts employ “the best interests of the child” standard. In other words, they prioritize the welfare of the children above all else. In order to make this determination, the court employs several factors… Read More »

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Grandparent Rights in New York State

By Robert S. Sunshine, P.C. |

Not all states afford grandparents rights in child custody cases, but New York State does. The New York courts recognize that grandparents can play a significant role in a child’s life by providing emotional support, love, and parental guidance. In some cases, when a couple divorces, grandparents can be denied access to their grandchildren… Read More »

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Elements of Child Neglect in New York State

By Robert S. Sunshine, P.C. |

Child neglect is defined as the failure of a parent or guardian to provide care and supervision to a child in such a manner that it compromises the child’s safety, well-being, or health. New York State considers child neglect to be a crime, but it can also factor into custody disputes when two parents… Read More »

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What is the Marital Estate or Marital Property in a New York Divorce?

By Robert S. Sunshine, P.C. |

In New York State, there are three categories of property when it comes to divorce. There is marital property, separate property, and property that contains elements of both. The final category is the trickiest and requires the most explanation. In this article, Rockland County divorce attorneys at the Law Office of Robert S. Sunshine,… Read More »

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Legal Separation under New York Law

By Robert S. Sunshine, P.C. |

Sometimes, you’re not ready to divorce but you want space and time to yourself to help make that decision. For that reason, New York State law allows couples to legally separate from one another without divorcing. In this article, the Rockland County divorce attorneys at The Law Office of Robert S. Sunshine, P.C. will… Read More »

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